Meditation, Light Language and Sacred Song by Filiz

Filiz has been guided by Spirit to create 10 Journey into Your Light Audio books on different topics to help people deal with the personal and current world challenges by connecting to the Universal Intelligence/our higher selves. The audio books are targeted to spiritual seekers looking for healing, activations, and their own solutions to life’s many challenges. Each Topic has several tracks to explore. 

Purpose and benefits of the Audio books

The purpose of the audio books is to: 

Connect you to the most sacred and mysterious parts of your highest self and the cosmos. 

Open your spiritual heart 

Explore long forgotten lifetimes, new gifts, healing colours, frequencies, and cosmic energies. 

Balance your 12 chakras to harmonise your mind, body and spirit 

Activate your meridians, energy points and light bodies for expansion 

Activate and sooth your nervous system to hold more light 

Connect you to the ancient and sacred sites of this planet 

Ground into the Mother Earth timelines and song lines explore the inner ear

I feel like I am coming home, when I hear these songs, they were healing every cell of my being and I was flooded with colours and visions very gentle and powerful experience.’

Louise E

Before my session with Filiz my anxiety was so high that my throat tightened up and I was unable to speak properly or create a video presentation for my thesis. After the session and all the energy healing, my throat was clear and unblocked, and my anxiety gone. My presentation was a big success.’

Carol H

The audio tracks from Filiz were so exquisite, I received them after my beloved husband died and they gave me such comfort, healing and strength at the most difficult time in my life deepest gratitude to Filiz this sacred gift.

Eddie W
Listening instructions

Please listen to only one topic a day once a day for at least 7 days. Please drink plenty of water to help conduct the energy.  Use one book for at least a week and more if required before you go to the next book. 

Continue to listen to the topic until you feel the activations and healings are complete.  You can choose to start with any book first but it is recommended that you listen to ALL the first 3 before moving to the lighter more awakened states. If you need to take a break stop listening for a few days then resume listening.

Cost of each the audio book – US $60 per book 

Buy more than one book as a package 

Package A -Book 1, 2 & 3 cost $150 save $30 

Package B -Books 4, 5 & 6 costs 150 save 30

Package C -Books 7, 8, 9, & 10 cost 200 save $40

Dissolving stressful suffering states of books 1-3 – Coming soon

Package A Cost 150 save $30

book1 (2)

Book 1 MP3 tracks

Book 2 MP3 tracks

Book 3 MP3 tracks

Package B $US 150 save $30

Moving into lighter more awakened states Books 4-10 – coming soon  

Book 4

Deep Calm/peace/serenity 


Book 5

Forgiveness & letting go & In the flow 


Book 6

Energy Vitality and Wellbeing 

Package C Cost $ 200 – save 40

Moving into lighter more awakened states Books 7-10 


Book 7

Love empathy compassion 

Book 8

Balance and equanimity 


Book 9

Joy and bliss rapture 


Book 10

Stillness silence expansion 

Markus is the creator of Journey Music. Markus has been a musician/ classical guitarist for over 40 years. He creates emotive music from the heart to assist us to feel, and heal our wounded hearts. His music will assist you to let go of painful and stressful states that keep you stuck. Each journey takes you towards more hope, calm and comfort. Allow your being to be soothed energised and caressed. The depth and breadth of Markus music is a window to your soul… all you need to do is listen, relax surrender to its beauty. The healing notes will guide you to find the lost parts of yourself. Cherish the ride….

Marlee (16) is the daughter of Filiz. She is a talented Light artist, medium/intuitive evident since a young child. Marlee sees your auras, feels your energy and senses what needs to be healed and activated on your spiritual journey. She attunes to your whole field and creates a visual image in her art work that connects you to more of your true self/multi dimensional parts. Marlee tunes into your name and or photo and creates the images and sometimes has uplifting messages for you from spirit. Filiz also imbues this art work with light language to deepen its activation and awaken you into more of your true potential.


You can mediate daily with your personalise art work by gently gazing at it and opening yourself to receive deeper insights and messages from spirit. You can listen to any Journey Music by Markus or light language from Filiz to accelerate the experience.